St. George Windshield Replacement & Auto Glass Services
- Office:1812 West Sunset #101
St George, UT 84770 -
- Phone:(435) 656-4275
- Toll Free:(800) 509-5765
No matter the make, model or year, depend on us for auto glass repair and replacement anywhere in St. George or the surrounding area. Glasshopper Auto Glass comes to you with a full set of tools and the capable hands of our experienced technicians.
A tiny windshield crack can quickly get worse, especially in extreme temperatures. A small rock chip might seem inconsequential, but it cause the need for complete auto glass replacement. That’s why it’s important to call us as soon as you notice a problem – don’t wait. Our responsive service team ensures that if it’s possible to repair versus replace, we will, saving you money. Schedule your appointment today!