Auto Glass Warranty: Do You Need It?
An auto glass warranty is a selling point when you are looking for a windshield replacement. You can’t drive with a cracked or chipped windshield — it’s a safety hazard. Not only does it obst
Not All Auto Glass Is Created Equal: Here’s Why
Your auto glass is more important than you might recognize, at least until it cracks. Once it chips and the spider web of splintered glass starts obstructing your view, your windshield quickly becomes
Windshield Repair Myths You Shouldn’t Believe
Is windshield repair on your to-do list? Maybe you noticed a small chip in your line of sight. Maybe your windshield has a crack that’s been growing, but you’ve been putting off the service call
Minor Accidents Can Cause Auto Glass Damage
Auto glass damage isn’t the end of the world, but it’s a problem you’d rather not have.
If you’re in a car accident, your first instinct is to make sure no one is hurt. Then you likely
5-Point Windshield Checklist
The windshield is what stands between you and the wind, bugs and weather. Did you also know it could prevent your vehicle’s roof from collapsing in the event of a crash? You might not notice it much